/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Publish current directory to an FTP-driven web server */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) Mike Cowlishaw, 2006-2013. All rights reserved. */
/* Parts Copyright (c) IBM, 2006-2010. */
/* */
/* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software */
/* for any non-commercial purpose without fee is hereby granted, */
/* provided that the above copyright notice and this permission */
/* notice appear in all copies, and that notice and the date of */
/* any modifications be added to the software. */
/* */
/* This software is provided "as is". No warranties, whether */
/* express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, */
/* implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a */
/* particular purpose apply to this software. The author shall */
/* not, in any circumstances, be liable for special, incidental, */
/* or consequential damages, for any reason whatsoever. */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* This updates current directory and (by default) subdirectories. */
/* It is intended that this be called by a 'stub' Rexx program */
/* that provides a simple command-line interface; see */
/* demoPublish.rex for an example. */
/* */
/* Arguments: */
/* */
/* Arg1 is the FTP address of the target top-level directory, */
/* e.g, 'homepages.freds.co.uk/buss' */
/* Arg2 is user and password (separated by ':'), e.g., 'foo:bar' */
/* Arg3 is list of extensions to transfer as text (a string, one */
/* word per extension, e.g., 'html txt asc') */
/* Arg4 is list of extensions to ignore (these types will not be */
/* published), e.g., log bak old */
/* Arg5 is list to send as binary (use '*' to send all not in */
/* the other two lists), e.g., zip exe msi apk jpg */
/* Arg6 is "effective command line": */
/* verb [flags] */
/* where 'verb' is a (required) pseudonym and 'flags' may */
/* be any (or none) of the user flags/keywords: */
/* clean - delete server files not found in the */
/* curent directory */
/* first - update first difference only */
/* force - force update (rewrite) of all files */
/* from name - skip creates and updates until the file */
/* matching 'name' is reached */
/* logfile file - set the (qualified) name for FTP log */
/* to 'file' */
/* noisy - display FTP commands during run */
/* nolog - do not write FTP trace log */
/* nopublog - do not write publish timestamp log */
/* only name - publish just the one file 'name' */
/* top - update top-level directory only */
/* trace - switch on Rexx (debug) tracing */
/* help, /?, ?, -? -- display help */
/* e.g., sgpublish clean noisy */
/* 'name' or 'file' cannot contain blanks [sorry] */
/* Arg7 is directory to start in (unchanged if not given or '') */
/* [fully qualified, as from directory() call] */
/* Arg8 is notification list; any number of service assignments */
/* of the form service=data, where data depend on the */
/* service; only a summary message is sent, not page/file */
/* details. */
/* Supported services and data formats: */
/* none */
/* No longer supported: */
/* twitter=user:password [requires sendtwit.rex] */
/* */
/* returns '' if OK, non-empty message if a problem */
/* */
/* ::requires "rxftp.cls" */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-- 2006.03.23 Initial derived from sgpublish, demonpublish, www2publish
-- 2007.03.15 Add total size count
-- 2007.04.30 Convert to use RxFtp class (ooRexx) & Linuxify
-- 2007.10.30 Add HTML check (warning) for img without alt or size
-- 2008.01.20 Log to m: preferably (on Windows)
-- 2009.04.0x Add from, first, and only options
-- 2009.07.12 Add start directory arg
-- 2009.07.16 Add logfile option
-- 2009.11.27 Add notifications option
-- 2013.05.07 Review and cleanup
parse arg server'/'where, user':'password,,
textTypes, ignoretypes, binarytypes,,
command flags, startdir, notifications
signal on novalue
delim='\' -- filesystem delimiter
parse upper source os .
if left(os, 3)\='WIN' then delim='/'
help=0 -- display help text
clean=0 -- delete unmatched files
first=0 -- update first difference only
fromname='' -- name to start from
skipping=0 -- set when skippng creates and updates
force=0 -- force all files to be updated
top=0 -- 1=top level only
trace=0 -- turn on Rexx tracing
noisy=0 -- turn on FTP command tracing
pubfile='publish.log' -- where to log publish timestamps
created=0 -- counts
updated=0 -- ..
ignored=0 -- ..
deleted=0 -- ..
total=0 -- ..
indent=0 -- nesting indication
totalsize=0 -- total size of files (calculated locally)
logging=1 -- log to file
loggedon=0 -- 1 if session needs logoff
logpub=1 -- write publish timestamps
logname=command'.log' -- default log name
if delim='\' then do
-- use m: disk if available, otherwise c:
if exists('m:\web') then logdisk='m'
else logdisk='c'
logroot=logdisk':\' -- where to log FTP trace
else -- *x
logroot='~/' -- where to log FTP trace
logfile=logroot||logname -- default log place
shared='session server user password logfile logging rc clean force top trace',
'created updated ignored deleted total today thisbase months indent',
'binarytypes texttypes ignoretypes totalsize noisy delim',
'command first fromname skipping loggedon'
-- Check parameters
do while flags\=''
parse var flags flag flags
when arg='CLEAN' then clean=1
when arg='FIRST' then first=1
when arg='FORCE' then force=1
when arg='FROM' then do
if fromname\='' then call quit 'FROM or ONLY specified twice'
parse var flags fromname flags
if fromname='' then call quit 'No FROM name specified'
say 'Skipping creates and updates until:' fromname
when arg='LOGFILE' then do
parse var flags logfile flags
if logfile='' then call quit 'No LOGFILE name specified'
say 'Logging to' logfile
when arg='NOLOG' then logging=0
when arg='NOPUBLOG' then logpub=0
when arg='TRACE' then trace=1
when arg='NOISY' then noisy=1
when arg='ONLY' then do -- same as FIRST FROM name
if fromname\='' then call quit 'FROM or ONLY specified twice'
parse var flags fromname flags
if fromname='' then call quit 'No ONLY name specified'
say 'Updating or creating only:' fromname
when arg='TOP' then top=1
when arg='?' then help=1
when arg='/?' then help=1
when arg='-?' then help=1
when arg='HELP' then help=1
msg='Unknown parameter:' flag
say msg
say ''
end -- do while flags
-- Display help and exit if asked for
if help then call help msg
-- check vitals
if server='' then call quit 'No server specified'
if where='' then call quit 'No path specified'
if user='' then call quit 'No user specified'
if password='' then call quit 'No password specified'
-- Date constants
months='Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'
parse value date('s') with thisyyyy +4 thismm +2 thisdd +2
-- say thisyyyy':'thismm':'thisdd
today = (thismm-1)*31 + thisdd
thisbase=thisyyyy*372+today -- pseudo base for today
-- check and set local starting directory
if startdir\='' then do
if \isdir(startdir) then
call quit 'Invalid starting directory:' startdir
call directory startdir
say 'Using directory:' directory()
topdir=directory() -- remember where started
-- Create an FTP session object
-- Start logging and/or tracing
if noisy then rc=session~FtpTrace -- noisy tracing for debug
if logging then do
call sysfiledelete logfile
rc=session~FtpTraceLog(logfile, 'R')
if rc\=0 then say '(Could not write to trace file:' logfile')'
if trace then trace r
rc=session~FtpSetUser(server, user, password)
if rc=-1 then do
if ftperrno='FTPLOGIN' then call quit 'Could not login user ['user']'
if ftperrno='FTPHOST' then call quit 'Could not connect to server ['server']'
if ftperrno='FTPCONNECT' then call quit 'Server not responding ['server']'
call quit 'Could not set user ['ftperrno']'
say 'FTP to' server 'as' user'...'
-- change to the correct directory at server
if rc=-1 then do -- directory not exist?
say '"'where'" does not exist on the server. Creating...'
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Could not create directory "'where'"'
rc=session~FtpChDir(where) -- change to new directory
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from second FtpChDir'
-- at this point we are in the right [top] place on server and locally
here=directory() -- remember where we are
s=lastpos(delim, here)
dir=substr(here, s+1)
if dir='' then call quit 'Unexpected directory() response:' here
say ' ...' dir '...'
call updatedir '.' -- from here on down (quits if error)
call directory here
call cleanup -- end FTP session
record=thisyyyy':'thismm':'thisdd left(time(),5),
'Created' created', updated' updated','
if clean then record=record 'deleted' deleted','
record=record 'ignored' ignored', total' total', size' totalmb
say record
if logpub then do
call lineout pubfile, record
call lineout pubfile
if notifications\='' then do
top=filespec('n', topdir)
if created>0 then m=m 'created' created','
if updated>0 then m=m 'updated' updated','
if deleted>0 then m=m 'deleted' deleted','
if m='' then say '(nothing to notify)'
else do
-- remove trailing comma; add time & date so not a duplicate
m=left(m, length(m)-1) 'at' time() 'on' date('s',,,'-')
message='Files in "'top'" have been changed ('m')'
do while notifications\=''
parse var notifications assign notifications
parse var assign service'='data
when service='FOOBAR' then nop
when service='TWITTER' then do
parse var data user':'
call sendtwit data message hashtag
otherwise say 'Unknown notification service:' service
end -- notifications loop
end -- notification to make
end -- notifications
exit '' -- (UpdateDir worked)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Display help and exit with message */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
help: procedure expose (shared)
parse arg msg
h.1 ='Use as: ' command '[clean] [force] [top]'
h.2 =''
h.3 ='This updates the "'server'" server, user "'user'", with'
h.4 ='the files from the current directory (which must be known to'
h.5 ='the' command 'command).'
h.6 =''
h.7 ='Only the filetypes in one of the lists:'
h.8 =' binaryTypes:' binarytypes
h.9 ='or'
h.10=' textTypes:' texttypes
h.11='are published; only files that are new, or are newer or same day'
h.12='as existing files are published (unless "force" is specified in'
h.13='which case all are updated).'
h.15='If "clean" is specified then files found on the server but not in'
h.16='the current directory are deleted.'
h.17='If "top" is specified, only the top-level directory is updated.'
h.19='If "from name" is specified, creates and updates are skipped'
h.20='until the named file is found. "first" will stop after the'
h.21='first create or update. "only name" is the same as "first from name".'
h.23='Call with "?", "/?", "-?", or "help" to display this help text'
h.25='Please see' command'.txt for more details'
h.0 =25 -- number of lines
do i=1 to h.0
say h.i
end i
exit msg
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Terminate if error, with rc */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
quit: procedure expose (shared)
say arg(1) '[rc='rc'] -- program exiting.'
say 'Please contact MFC for help.'
call cleanup
exit arg(1)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Cleanup session */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
cleanup: procedure expose (shared)
if symbol('session')\='LIT' then do
if loggedon then rc=session~FtpLogOff -- 'quit' to server
if logging then rc=session~FtpTraceLogOff -- end logging
-- if noisy then rc=session~FtpTrace -- [cannot be switched off]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Check an HTML file */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
checkhtml: procedure expose (shared)
parse arg file
doc=charin(file, 1, chars(file))
call lineout file -- or put will fail
do forever
parse var doc '' doc
if atts='' then leave
-- have an img tag to check
if pos('SRC=', up)=0 then say '*** with no SRC= in:' file
if pos('ALT=', up)=0 then say '*** has no ALT= in:' file
else do
parse var up 'ALT=' text .
if text='""' then say '*** has empty ALT= in:' file
if pos('WIDTH=', up)=0 then say '*** has no WIDTH= in:' file
else if pos('HEIGHT=', up)=0 & pos('DEPTH=', up)=0 then
say '*** has no HEIGHT= in:' file
-- [don't warn about both width and height]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Update subdirectory */
/* Arg1 is the name of the subdirectory to update */
/* */
/* This is first called with "subdirectory" name '.' to update the */
/* top level directory, and then calls itself recursively to update */
/* subdirectories (unless TOP is specified) */
/* */
/* Exits directly to Quit if an error. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
updatedir: procedure expose (shared)
parse arg subdir
indent=indent+2 -- formatting
para=copies(' ', indent)
-- change to correct directory at server and locally
if subdir\='.' then do
if rc=-1 then do -- directory not exist?
say '"'subdir'" does not exist on the server. Creating...'
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Could not create directory "'subdir'"'
rc=session~FtpChDir(subdir) -- change to new directory
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from second sub FtpChDir' subdir
call directory subdir -- locally, too
say para'...' subdir '...'
-- We are in the right place. Find out what's there.
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from FtpDir *.*'
-- if address()='GOSERVE' then say ' Back from FTPDir' -- temp
-- note that on some servers we get some spurious blank lines, and
-- in one case (old 10quid system) have seen all files listed twice
-- Copy oo-response items to there. stem to use old code
do i=1 to there.0
end i
if address()='GOSERVE' then 'active read' there.0*50 -- estimate is fine
-- parse the files. We are only interested in relative age to the
-- nearest day, so we work out 'pseudo ages' based on 32-day months
-- say para||there.0 'files...'
exist.=0 -- file exists
fileage.=372 -- assume age of any surprising file is 1 year (31*12)
do f=1 to there.0
parse var there.f flags . . . size mon dd year name
if name='' then iterate -- spurious from some servers
if left(flags, 1)\='-' then iterate -- ignore directory & messes
if pos('->', name)>0 then iterate -- a symbolic link
exist.name=1 -- have file
-- calculate an approximate age, assuming 31 days/month
mm=wordpos(mon, months) -- month name to number
if mm=0 then iterate -- use default
if \datatype(dd, 'n') then iterate -- ..
if dd<1 | dd>31 then iterate -- ..
-- the 'year' field will be a time if within a year
if \datatype(year, 'n') then do -- is not a year
days=today - ((mm-1)*31+dd) -- age in days
if days<0 then days=372+days -- [future date]
fileage.name=days -- save
-- say para||name 'is' days 'days old'
end f
-- now process local files
localexist.=0 -- local file exists
call sysfiletree '*', 'LOCAL', 'BL'
if result\=0 then call quit 'Unexpected SysFileTree error ['result']'
-- say para'-----'
dir.='' -- delay list for directories
dirs=0 -- count of delayed directories
do f=1 to local.0
-- say '>>' local.f
parse var local.f yyyy'-'mm'-'dd' ' . size flags fullname
name=filespec('name', fullname)
-- record for later if a directory
if left(flags, 2)='-D' then do
-- ignore it if a 'zeroed' or empty file
if size=0 then iterate
-- ignore it if type not in a list, or no type (extension)
d=lastpos('.', name)
if d=0 then iterate
type=substr(name, d+1)
binpos=wordpos(type, binarytypes)
ascpos=wordpos(type, texttypes)
if binpos=0 & binarytypes\='*' then -- not in binary list ..
if ascpos=0 then do -- .. or ascii list
ignpos=wordpos(type, ignoretypes)
if ignpos=0 then -- worth a warning
say para'Ignored:' name '(type ".'type'" not known)'
/* File is to be sent (created or updated); check it if HTML */
ishtml=(left(translate(type), 3)='HTM')
totalsize=totalsize+size -- total eligible files' size
if ascpos>0 then mode='Ascii'
else mode='Binary'
if \exist.name then do -- new
if skipping then do
if translate(fromname)=translate(name) then skipping=0
if skipping then nop -- say para'Skipped:' name
else do
if ishtml then call checkhtml name
call checksize name
rc=session~FtpPut(name, name, mode)
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from create FtpPut' name mode
say para'Created:' name
else do -- exists, maybe update
-- estimated age of local in days
-- say para'Local' name 'is' days 'days old'
if days<=fileage.name | force then do
if skipping then do
if translate(fromname)=translate(name) then skipping=0
if skipping then nop -- say para'Skipped:' name
else do
if ishtml then call checkhtml name
call checksize name
rc=session~FtpPut(name, name, mode)
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from update FtpPut' name mode
say para'Updated:' name
if address()='GOSERVE' then 'active sent' size -- still active
if first & (created+updated>0) then leave f
end f
if clean then do -- any deletes?
do f=1 to there.0
parse var there.f flags . . . . . . . name
if name='' then iterate -- spurious from some servers
if left(flags, 1)\='-' then iterate -- ignore directory & messes
if pos('->', name)>0 then iterate -- a symbolic link
if localexist.name then iterate -- not missing
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from FtpDelete' name
say para'Deleted:' name
if address()='GOSERVE' then 'active sent' length(name) -- estimate is fine
end f
end -- clean
-- now process nested directories, unless top-level only or first
-- and completed
if \top then
if \(first & (created+updated>0)) then
do d=1 to dirs
call updatedir dir.d -- recursively update from 'name' down
end d
if subdir\='.' then do -- we went down
call directory '..' -- up locally
rc=session~FtpChDir('..') -- and remotely
if rc=-1 then call quit 'Unexpected error from FtpChDir ".." (parent)'
/* Test whether a name is a directory that exists */
isdir: procedure
parse arg dir
r=right(dir, 1)
if r='/' | r='\' then dir=left(dir, length(dir)-1)
opts='BL' -- not subdirs
call sysfiletree dir, 'LIST', opts
if result\=0 then return result
if list.0\=1 then return 0
parse var list.1 date time size flags fullname
return pos('D', flags)=2 -- is directory
/* Note large file start */
checksize: procedure expose para
parse arg name
size=stream(name, 'c', 'query size')
if size<250000 then return
say para'Putting:' name ' ['mb 'MB]'
::requires "rxftp.cls"